Monday, March 10, 2008

The Blizzard of 08

Over the weekend of 3/7/08 we had the blizzard of 08 as the news was saying. I thought at first that they were over-exsaderating about the hole thing, but I guess they were right. The night before i spent the night at my neigbors house because on eof my bff's lives their. when i got up in the morning i went to go home to get soem clothes and i opened the door to find 30mph winds of snow blowing in my face! So i ran to my house and as i tryied to get inside i saw drifts taller that me surounding my house making no way of getting on or out of it for a wile. So it was pretty bad but i dug my way into the house and got some clothes on to go outside and play... i mean people thought i was crazy but i mean this is a blizzard i am not going to miss out on the fun! My friend Lilly came with me and we went outside to play in the drifts. A soon as i got outside i got stuck in a drift taller than me and when i looked up to see i couldnt see my house that was less then 4 yards away from me because of the wind and snow blowing i decided that it was time to go in. Ofcource Lilly got stuck at my house untill it was over and we spent the hole day together with my mom. I think it was a lot of fun for the first blizzard i have ever been in!